Friday, February 19, 2010

the thinking line

i thought i'd feel different
but i actually feel free
i finally feel like i can breathe
and now i exhale..
no longer trapped in the
mental jail of my mind
i've taken back what was mine
my sanity. hey, how've you been old friend?
was so tired of being
center-stage. on lips laced with lime
counting down the hours
to my space, my hiding place
from the anarchy.
from the dramedy
someplace safe.
i can't lie at first it hit me!
like a flash of lightening..
frightening!!!..what will they say?
then i realized i stopped caring
a long time ago and that is sad..
i was ready to push out the womb
ready for deliverance
i wasn't sure how i'd feel
i mean, i don't feel like a failure
i don't feel insecure
i feel, oh what's the word
but i know there is a reason
i know this is the season
for change. so i open up myself
to it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


sometimes it is so hard to stay positive when negative thoughts creep in so easily. i never propose to know all the answers but there are some questions i don't even know who to ask. frustrated. today i feel sad because i feel as though my future is in someone else's hands, hands that don't heal, hands that don't help, angry hands. hands that destroy.

i know why the caged bird sings and i should probably sing along as music is the one of the few things that makes me feel strong. (oops, i'm rhyming, this is not meant to be a poem).

a wise friend once told me "never fear the end, prepare for the next step" but i am having been trying to step for the longest time but my feet stay planted. i must be here for a reason? faith vanya faith.

sometimes it's just so hard to stay up, especially when i feel like i have no control (over the lies that are told), over the misconceptions, i just wish someone would ask ME a question, damn! i have a voice..

i always say i should never take work home, so why am i here thinking. i will not cry but i am feeling it and worry has sorrowfully taken over (for now).

"when one door closes another one opens", "day runs till night catches it"..blah blah

i think i'll go take a bath and lie down.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

these fruits

this food
from this earth
feeds this brain
and this body
that works hard
sweats even harder
that dances through traffic
and sings through the rain
that laughs with friends
and walks the dogs
that kneels to pray
that gives thanks
that opens mouths
and gossips less
that blesses those
who need them most
that holds hands
and hugs strangers
that talks to the old
and leaves footprints for the children
that never goes hungry
that feeds off His word
that eats these great fruits
from this green earth.